A Blessing in DISGUISE!
It has been awhile since I have updated our blog. A lot has changed for us in the past week and a half. Last Monday as I was driving Triston to school Heath called. "I don't know what is going on, but I don't think I have a job." he said. Then he continued to tell me that he was listening to NPR on the way to work and they were talking about the over 6,000 people that would be losing their jobs due to HSBC closing all of its US consumer lending offices. What a way to find out you no longer have a job. On the radio! At first we were both shocked and disappointed in his company for the way they let the world know before their employees. Then my period started. I know maybe more information than some of you want to know, but with us trying to get pregnant that lets you know what was added to an already upsetting day. Also later that night/early the next morning, 2:00am, Triston woke up with a barking cough, could hardly breath and was burning up! What a day! When Triston is sick it is like our whole world stops and the only thing that matters is making him feel better and getting him back to himself. He lost his voice so he wouldn't talk and he was miserable. Lucky for us Heath could be home with him! Then as time passed we really started to enjoy the good quality time we were having as a family. We get to see Heath and spend time together. Heath started right away working on his resume and started job researching. We have been very amazed at how many job positions are actually out there. All the options and the not knowing exactly what he wants to do has put some stress on Heath, but he has taken this so well. We all have! A true Blessing. Then this past Monday he applied to a couple places and this morning he had a phone interview and then about a half hour later they called back to have him come in for a face to face interview and to show him where he would be working. So tomorrow he will be having his first interview! FAST! I told him I think this is a great opportunity to find a job he likes and enjoys and hopefully has some better hours! For me I was sick for two and a half weeks and finally got better while Triston was sick, but now I am sick again! JOY! Triston is constantly amazing us and making us laugh! We are so proud of the boy he is becoming. Monday night, after we learned of the job loss, Triston came into our room at bed time and said "Sweet Dreams" and walked out! What a sweet boy! We are excited for the warm weather! We signed Triston up for T Ball that will start in May! We are all excited! We still are going to The little gym on Saturday mornings and will be getting back into swimming lessons soon! We are staying very busy and learning to budget money even more than we were. Lucky for me work has been busy! I have been working 9 and 10 hour days! We are very thankful for the opportunity this has given us to spend as a family!